Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Over the course of this trip we saw countless plays, ballets, and ever operas, and never would I have thought that the one that left the most lasting impact on me would be the play where all of the dialogue consists of one word: murmel. Murmel Murmel was, to say the least, eye-opening. Its peculiarity and uniqueness challenged the status quo of playwriting and simultaneously forced the audience to question what other status quos are followed without much resistance. For me, it tore down the veil of what society considers normal, and allowed me to look at my actions and ponder what I am doing because I want to do it, and what I am doing because it is the normal thing to do. It is easy for discussions about society to devolve into anarchic slander that makes what society is today seem like an even better option than before comparatively. Murmel Murmel, however, tastefully walked this line, thus nurturing a healthy conversation over societal norms as opposed to an angry tirade about why society is unsatisfying. Ever since Murmel Murmel I've looked at my daily life different, albeit subtly. It is one thing to think that you can carve out a place for yourself in this life; it is another to feel it. This entire trip, especially Murmel Murmel, has encouraged me to be more active in my life by shedding self-doubt and by consciously ignoring potential societal doubt, and for that I am grateful.

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